Monday, February 16, 2009

Blogging anyone??

So with the influence of Lauren Baker, Shallan English, and Cody/Lauren (mainly Lauren) i have decided to dabble in the world of blogging. With this "leap" i will be entering an entirely new relm of vulnerability that i havent come across in the past... Horray for being judged!!! The reasons for blogging for me is simple...i have a ton of thoughts that bounce around in my head daily that dont make much sense to me unless i find time to write them down, and even after that they still dont make too much sense, but maybe others could get something from them. Another reason is that i have had people always ask me about Brady and my life in Brady. What better way to tell the adventures of my life to the masses than blogging...right? So there you have it...the short and sweet version of why i'm on here. Hopefully in the next few days/weeks/months yall will enjoy what i gots to say...or atleast tolerate it, haha. To my friends and family outside of the Brady, Texas area, you are missed. Peace up! A Town Down!